
Showing posts from August, 2019

Three for Thursday

With the pending long weekend, there won't be a Five for Friday this week. Instead we'll have 'Three for Thursday!' 3. You Can't Hit What You Can't See-  I've been in education for a while now. I've seen essential questions morph into I can statements morph into learning targets and so on. Earlier this week I saw a great way to hit at what all are trying to get at.  Mrs. Potter has a great set-up on her board, check it out: 2. Nothing Soft About It  - I got to be in Mrs Dewitt's class as she was trying out her 'soft Friday.' It's a way to ease into the daily routine with some student choice over several creative, right brained activities. Extra cool was how excited she was about one student in particular's progress engaging with a peer! 1. Get It Poppin'  - So giving out 500+ popsicles was a bit of a logistical challenge, but the support staff in the cafeteria and outside at recess nailed it today. What a s...

Five For Friday: First Week of School Edition

Five Highlights from Our First Week of School 5. Superb Staff  - It was fun to connect on Monday in professional development. I was wicked impressed by the level of discourse and collection of talent among the staff here. It's going to be a great year. It was great to collaborate on PBIS with Mrs Sikkema, and I enjoyed seeing Mrs. Keizer and Mrs. DeWitt present on Reading Street! 4. LINKing Up -  I was able to catch portions of Mrs Shipley doing a wonderful job presenting the LINKS program to classes during my classroom visits this week. What an awesome opportunity to unite leadership and inclusive practices. 3. Talking in Circles - During my visits I saw a whole host of exceptional relationship building activities as teachers prioritized getting to know their students on the first day of school. Pictured here Mrs. Sikkema is playing a fun game to get students learning each other's names. Honestly this could be a whole separate post as I...

Five For Friday - My First Official Week

5. Looking Forward - Thanks to the Sunshine Committee for organizing a "Welcome" event for me. I look forward to getting to see as many that can make it next Wednesday at Shadyside park in Dutton. 4. One Direction - UP! I had a great meeting with Kim Chausow, TK's Director of Curriculum and Instruction. The meeting was great and it left me even more fired up for an amazing year here with all of you at Page! 3. Covering All The Bases - I also had great meetings with Alison Muka and Lyndsey Fischer. Similar to #4 I left both of those meetings pumped for the great things in the works for both Literacy coaching and SEL for our students, staff and community! 2. Meeting Many Of You - A HUGE highlight this week was getting to meet about a dozen or so of you in person. I am nothing but impressed with what an amazing staff you all are! I can't wait to meet more of you, it's an honor and privilege that I get to be your principal Before number #1 - Special sh...