Five For Friday - My First Official Week

5. Looking Forward - Thanks to the Sunshine Committee for organizing a "Welcome" event for me. I look forward to getting to see as many that can make it next Wednesday at Shadyside park in Dutton.

4. One Direction - UP! I had a great meeting with Kim Chausow, TK's Director of Curriculum and Instruction. The meeting was great and it left me even more fired up for an amazing year here with all of you at Page!

3. Covering All The Bases - I also had great meetings with Alison Muka and Lyndsey Fischer. Similar to #4 I left both of those meetings pumped for the great things in the works for both Literacy coaching and SEL for our students, staff and community!

2. Meeting Many Of You - A HUGE highlight this week was getting to meet about a dozen or so of you in person. I am nothing but impressed with what an amazing staff you all are! I can't wait to meet more of you, it's an honor and privilege that I get to be your principal

Before number #1 - Special shout-out to Debbie Cisler who did an amazing job working incredibly hard this week to get the mass emailing out to Page families to inform them of classroom teachers!

1. New Addition-IT'S A BOY!!!! - Congratulations to The Fletke Family. Dayne Fletke, our new 5th grade teacher, and his wife just had a baby boy this weekend. Please join me in congratulating them on the amazing addition to their family, Jace!
