5. Avengers Assemble - I had fun being part of this video to promote our upcoming Walk-a-Thon. Washburn and Hammer were hilarious, and the kids of course were priceless. Don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself:
4. Keep the Good News Coming - The Good News Call of the Day has been a huge hit. I’m so grateful for all of the teacher support for this project. Mrs. Makarewicz, the district’s communication director has been putting them out on Facebook too! What a great way to make the positive so loud no one can hear the negative!
3. Thinking Out Loud - Cool example of collaborative thinking in Mrs. Sikkema’s class. Students were working on story problems involving a bakery and multiplication. Students tried to construct models to answer the questions, then paired up and explained their model and solution. Great way to allow for gradual release of responsibility, model problem solving collaboratively, and demonstrate there are multiple ways to solve a problem. I also saw Mrs. Kellogg using a similar strategy during a Social Studies lesson. It’s great to give students the opportunity to discuss their thinking first, before answering out loud. It’s a small enhancement that has a HUGE impact on student engagement!
2. Tiny Ripples of Hope - Tried something new today. Tiny Ripples of Hope--Voluntary staff gathering. Staff could stop in, get a donut and a compliment! If a staff member got a compliment card this meeting, they would fill one out and give someone else a compliment card at next meeting!
1. Making their Mark - Awesome use of Makerspace by Mrs. Keizer’s class. The Makerspace concept is impressive on its own, but Mrs. Keizer cranked it up several notches. She did a phenomenal job connecting student activity options to the week’s Reading Street learning targets. Just all around fantastic!
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