Five For Friday - T'was the Last Day Before Christmas Break Edition
Five For Friday - T'was the Last Day Before Christmas Break Edition Here are five of the many AWESOME things that happened at Page this week! 5. GLOWing together - Mrs Smith wrote and received a grant from the Thornapple Area Enrichment Foundation to put on a STEM themed GLOW day in her class. It was AWESOME. We're grateful for the local partnerships that made this and a whole host of other grants possible. Way to keep our students' education TK Strong! 4. Pondering and Wondering - During my walk-throughs this week I saw an awesome discussion in Ms. Corey's class on an "Inquiry Project" our 5th graders are working on in her class. Students are researching and answering a question that fascinates them personally. Some of the cool, unique questions I saw them researching were: Where did the English alphabet come from? Why does the value of money change over time? How is an eraser able to erase? What a great way to capture stu...