Five for Friday 2-28

FIVE FOR FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28 5. Back in the Saddle Again - Really neat way to end the week, I got to fill in for Mrs. Cross and teach PE! 4. More Than Just Lip Service - Mrs. Potter had her classes using a really cool iPad app, ChatterPix. They were able to narrate what the executive branch of the US government does, then using the app, make a video where a picture of a president lip syncs what they say. While it might not be School House Rocks, it's just as cool! 3. All Around the World - Mrs Kellogg's class brought the 'Age of Exploration' to life by making giant maps of the routes different explorers took as they left Europe travelling around the world. 2. Leading the Way - This week featured student led parent teacher conferences. Incredibly proud of our staff and our students. This endeavor represents a lot of hard work by both and is incredibly worth it to continue to foster a great relationship between home and school! 1. Ki...