Five for Friday

 Five for Friday - For This Week Here Are 5 Creative Ways the Amazing People at Page Have Kept Covid from Cancelling!

5. Kingpin -
 Traditionally our PE classes have gone bowling. Well, if Mrs. Cross can't take them to the bowling alley, she'll bring the bowling alley to them. Glad to see that our students are still able to enjoy this!

4. Virtual Lansing - Mrs. Smith got creative on behalf of our 4th grade team. I had to cancel their physical field trip to Lansing this spring. She was able to work out a virtual one instead!

3. Battle of the Books - a committee met this week to discuss how to still host some form of this event in some fashion. Please stay tuned as the committee has some great ideas!

2. Off Base-- Like so many things, Covid has upended the way our 5th graders experience STARBASE. Thanks to the flexibility of our 5th grade team and the team in Battle Creek our students are attending STARBASE virtually here at Page on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I was able to drop in and see some really cool, hands on STEM activities this week. There was an awesome egg drop to learn about inertia and a cool bridge building activity where students had to build a bridge that could float on water and bear weight!

1. Also Not Canceled: Kindness

I’ve missed the last several 5 For Fridays, but I didn’t want these stories to slip away. 5th Grader Brooklyn Hammer raised money for Mary Free Bed:

Sisters Karsyn and Morgan Boersma wrote, applied for and received a grant to make sure families in need have outdoor play items:  

There might be challenges in our world, BUT KINDNESS IS UNDEFEATED!!!!
